frequently asked questions

General information

How can I contact Customer Service?

For any inquiries, you can reach us at Our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

What materials are used in YSA Jewelry bracelets?

Our bracelets are meticulously crafted using high-quality leather, gemstones, and stainless steel. We take pride in the quality and durability of our materials.

Can I customize my bracelet?

Currently, we offer a range of styles and sizes but do not offer customizations. However, our bracelets are designed to mix and match, offering you endless possibilities to express your unique style.

Is your production socially responsible?

Absolutely! We partner with social workplaces for the production, labeling, and packing of our items. This provides employment opportunities to individuals who are currently not able to work on the regular labor market.

Orders & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do offer international shipping. Rates and times vary depending on the destination.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Shipping times vary depending on location. Typically, orders are processed within 24 business hours and shipping takes an additional 1-2 days within Europe & 3-7 business days within the U.S.

What is your return policy?

We accept returns within 30 days of purchase, provided the items are unused and in their original condition. Please refer to our Return Policy on our website for more details.

Maintenance & Repairs

How do I properly care for my YSA Jewelry?

Each material requires unique care. For leather, keep it away from water and harsh chemicals. Gemstones should be gently cleaned with mild soap and water. Stainless steel can be wiped down with a soft cloth. Find the detailed care instructions here.

Can YSA Jewelry be worn every day?

Our bracelets are designed to be versatile and durable, perfect for everyday wear. However, we recommend following our care guidelines to ensure they stay in top condition for years to come.

Do you offer repairs?

Yes, we offer repairs within the first year of purchase at no cost if the issue is due to a defect in material or craftsmanship. After the first year, repairs are available at an additional cost.

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